Distribution Policy

Distribution Policy

The Deed provides that the Manager shall, with the approval of the Trustee, for each distribution period, distribute all or such other percentage as determined by the Manager at its absolute discretion, of AME REIT’s Distributable Income. It is the intention of the Manager to distribute at least 90.0% of AME REIT’s Distributable Income on a quarterly basis or such other intervals as the Manager may determine at its absolute discretion.

Quarterly basis refers to each consecutive 3-month period commencing on and ending on the following dates (all dates inclusive) in each financial year during the continuance of AME REIT or such other interval as the Manager may determine in accordance with the Deed:

(i) 1 April to 30 June;

(ii) 1 July to 30 September;

(iii) 1 October to 31 December; and

(iv) 1 January to 31 March.

The actual proportion of Distributable Income to be distributed to Unitholders beyond the FYE 2023, which shall be at the absolute discretion of the Manager, may be greater than 90.0% of AME REIT’s Distributable Income to the extent that the Manager believes is appropriate, having regard to AME REIT’s funding requirements, other capital management considerations and the availability of funds. Distributions, when made in the form of cash, will be in Ringgit Malaysia.

For the period from the Listing Date to 31 March 2023, AME REIT will distribute 100.0% of its Distributable Income. The first distribution, which will be in respect of the period from the Listing Date to 31 December 2022, being the first full financial quarter after Listing, will be paid by the Manager within 2 months from 31 December 2022.